Longi solar panel price in pakistan

Longi Solar Panel Price In Pakistan 2024

Last updated on April 15th, 2024 at 11:44 am

LONGi solar panels are a combination of proven quality and low prices. If you are thinking about Chinese solar panels, you should pay attention to LONGi. Longi solar panel price in Pakistan start from 41rs per watt to 44rs per watt.

The cost of Longi solar panels in Pakistan can differ depending on factors like their size, model, and specifications. Longi solar panels are renowned for their excellent quality and dependability while remaining budget-friendly.

At BrightSolar, we provide competitive and cost-effective Longi solar panel prices in Pakistan to make it easier for more individuals to transition to renewable energy sources and contribute to safeguarding the country from adverse climate conditions. In this article, we will explore the prices of Longi solar panels in various sizes, along with a table detailing their specifications and features.

Longi 540 Watt Solar Panel Price In Pakistan

Model NameRate Per WattTotal Price
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HPH 540M4122,140
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HBD 540M4222,680
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HIH-540M4122,140

Longi 545 Watt Solar Panel Price In Pakistan

Model NameRate Per WattTotal Price
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HPH 545M4122,345
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HBD 545M4222,890
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HIH-545M4122,345

Longi 550 Watt Solar Panel Price In Pakistan

Model NameRate Per WattTotal Price
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HPH 550M4122,550
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HBD 550M4223,100
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HIH-550M4122,550

Longi Solar Panel Price In Pakistan 535 Watt

Model NameRate Per WattTotal Price
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HIH-535M4121,935
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HBD 535M4222,470

Longi Solar Panel 445 Watt Price In Pakistan

Model NameRate Per WattTotal Price
Hi-MO 4m LR4-72HPH 445M4118,245
Hi-MO 4m LR4-72HBD 445M4419,580
Hi-MO X6 LR5-54HTB 445M4218,690
Hi-MO X6 LR5-54HTH 445M4218,690
Hi-MO 5 LR5-72HBD 445M4218,690

Longi Bifacial Solar Panels Price In Pakistan 2024

Model NameRate Per WattTotal Price
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HBD 540M4222,680
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HBD 545M4222,890
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HBD 550M4221,100
Hi-MO 5m LR5-72HBD 535M4222,470
Hi-MO 5 LR5-72HBD 445M4218,690

Factors Impact Longi Solar Plate Price In Pakistan

  1. Type and Brand of Solar Panels: Different types of solar panels, such as monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film, come at varying price points. Premium brands or models with higher efficiency may also cost more.
  2. Solar Panel Capacity: The capacity or wattage of a solar panel affects its price. Higher-capacity panels can generate more electricity but are generally more expensive.
  3. Installation Costs: Labor, equipment, and installation services can vary in price. The complexity of the installation, such as rooftop vs. ground-mounted systems, can impact rates.
  4. Import Tariffs: Import tariffs on solar panels and related equipment can affect their final price. These tariffs can change due to government policies.
  5. Economic Conditions: Currency exchange rates, inflation, and economic stability can influence the prices of solar panels in Pakistan. Fluctuations in these areas can impact the cost of imported solar equipment.
  6. Quality and Warranty: Higher-quality panels with longer warranties may come at a higher initial cost but can offer better long-term value.
  7. Local Market Competition: The presence of multiple suppliers and installers in a region can lead to competitive pricing, potentially reducing the overall cost of solar panel installations.
  8. Energy Efficiency and Performance: More efficient panels, which can generate more electricity per square meter, may come at a premium. However, they can offer better returns over time.
  9. Shipping and Logistics: The cost of transporting solar panels to your location can impact the overall price. This is especially relevant if you’re in a remote or less-accessible area.
  10. Local Solar Conditions: The amount of sunlight and climate conditions in your region can affect the efficiency of solar panels and, subsequently, their overall value.

NOTE: It’s important to conduct thorough research and obtain multiple quotes from reputable solar installers to get a clear picture of the total cost of solar panel installation in Pakistan. You can also contact us for the best quotation.

Longi Solar Panels In Pakistan

LONGi, a prominent Chinese company established in 2000, primarily supplied silicon products to the electronics and photovoltaic industries. They later ventured into manufacturing their own photovoltaic modules under the LONGi Solar brand, becoming one of the world’s largest manufacturers of monocrystalline panels.

In 2007, LONGi acquired the Chinese solar panel brand Lerro Solar, expanding their production to entire photovoltaic modules. Since 2017, they have operated under their brand, LONGi Solar.

LONGi is a world leader in the production of monocrystalline panels, with good results in international quality tests and low prices. If you are looking for good and cheap monocrystalline panels in Pakistan, LONGi panels are worth considering.


In our reviews, we define quality as a measure of confidence that a brand’s photovoltaic panels will last us more than 25 years. How to check it? In our opinion, the most important factors are the length of the product warranty, the results of reliability tests, and mechanical strength.

Product Warranty: When you buy LONGi solar panels, you receive a 25-year standard warranty that covers manufacturing defects. This ensures the quality of the solar modules and protects facility owners from potential issues.


LONGi’s most powerful photovoltaic module with 60 cells is made up of halves cut in half and has a theoretically huge efficiency of 370 Wp. I write “theoretically” because, with an efficiency of only 19.80%, it means that this module is simply larger than the others. If it were the same size as the others, its efficiency would be 330 Wp. So LONGi doesn’t make it to the top class.

Value For Money

LONGi brand solar panels are offered at a very good price. It is true that if you are guided only by the price. Definitely, you will surely find something cheaper, but the question is whether it is worth it.

Linear power guarantee – LONGi offers a fairly high guarantee of 84.5% initial efficiency after 25 years of operation.


The starting price for Longi solar panels in Pakistan is 19,000 PKR, but this cost can change due to economic factors, import tariffs, and the exchange rate of the dollar. If you opt for higher-efficiency Bifacial solar panels, the price can be higher. Longi solar panels are well-regarded in Pakistan. By installing solar systems in houses, businesses can save a significant amount of money each month. Bifacial Longi solar panels, known for their efficiency of up to 25%, have a higher price in Pakistan compared to monocrystalline solar panels.

Bright Solar offers a good range of Longi solar panels, including both Monocrystalline and Bifacial options. If you’re considering a solar system installation for your home or business. Bright Solar can provide top-notch solar system services in Pakistan at reasonable rates. We deal in major cities of Pakistan such as Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Multan, and Faisalabad. For other cities, you can send us an inquiry. They have extensive experience in installing even the most challenging solar setups across the country. You can contact us via phone number or quickly complete their quotation form, which takes just a minute. Go for a brighter future.


How do you check the date of manufacture of the module?

To find out when the module was made, just scan the barcode, and look for the date (MM/DD) starting from the 10th digit.

How long is the warranty period for LONGi modules?

LONGi modules come with a standard 12-year warranty.

How many years can efficient power generation be guaranteed?

Monofacial modules have a 25-year warranty for efficient power, while bifacial modules are guaranteed to perform well for 30 years.

What are the advantages of LONGi bifacial modules?

Longi bifacial modules offer higher energy yield, better low-light performance, longer lifespan, and installation versatility. They can also reduce light-induced degradation and benefit from reflected light, increasing energy production.

Does Longi Make 150-Watt Solar Panel?


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